The Way To Love

The way to love me is easy. It is so easy that you just need to love me and be there with me. Holding me like you are right now.
In all honesty I don’t know what will happen later in the future, I knew our road will have so many turns, ups, downs and thorns but I hope I can love you in a long time.
Things are difficult, I knew it will be and to be honest,  with you just being here is enough.
The way to love you is not hard too. I just need to love and cherish you. I don’t know if I am doing a good job here. But I hope I am. Your happiness is all I want and wish.
I like the way we love. It’s easy. I like that nothing is decided except that we just have to be together.
Loving each other, enjoying each other company, and being there in the ups and downs.
‘what will happen next to both of you later?’
‘do you  have a plan to go to the next step?’
These questions will always be asked. Either we want them or not.
Personally I don’t really care about these questions or what people says.
With you just being here, and you loving me is enough.
It’s just so easy.
I will love you until there is no love to give.
If you smile for me, with those shining and loving eyes
If we see each other like we meet for the first time.
If we care enough and taking care each other.
Then it’s okay for me.
It is more than enough for me.
Because I will fall in love with you more, we will be more in love.
But then,
Until you found someone else to love, then this love will end too.
Until I get too tired then, we can break up.
Until I am used to being alone without you, then we can break up
Until you found someone to take care of, then we can break up
But until then, let’s love each other
Until then, let’s make many good memories
I don’t know until when
But as far as I know
Right now and this moment, I will love you until later.

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